Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Who is the most important person in my life?

       Who is the most important person in my life? Who is the person I most adore of? Who is the person that make me smile when I am in grief? Who is that man or woman that makes me carry the burden of the earth in my shoulder? Is that you?
           In reality that person can be you or them or maybe just simply saying "ME". It is just our ego that we continue on thinking that the most important person in our life is somebody  or someone else. Anyway, who makes your life? Who decide on your daily activities? Who controls you? Is it them? Your not a robot nor am I that has an antenna on the top of the head and someone is holding a remote control that commands us to do whatever he wants us to do. That's rude! If we're always gonna think of that, we're just only a puppet in this world we are living in, that if there's no string attached, we will not able to move.
       Almost all of us says that the most important person in our life is the one that you love and adore, but what if  there something happens wrong, you will feel that the world is tumbling down on you. That you want to join the worms underneath the ground because they will not leave you until the end of times. Once in my life, it happens, to me, that I merely quit, surrender and end up my life in a blink of an eye. Do I have to do that? Do I have to lose hope if someone that I treat the most will just breaks up and leave me all alone by myself? That's insane! It's just a matter of accepting it. Acceptance is the key.
            "Acceptance. It is the true thing everyone longs for. The one thing everyone craves. To walk in a room and to be greeted by everyone with hugs and smiles. And in that small passing moment, you truly know you're loved, needed, and accepted."

          We must accept life for what it actually is -- a challenge to our quality without which we should never know of what stuff we are made or grow to our full development with respect. We have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that we meet it with courage and with the best that we have to give. 
                So, the most important person in my life is myself but with my own strength I can't win the battle that is still waiting. I need you and I need God to comfort me when I am in doubt or grief or in times of failure and for that let me say this to you, THANK YOU for staying with me.


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