Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dangers of Microwaving Food on Styrofoam Plates?


            Styrofoam is actually a trade name for a polystyrene foam material that is used to make a variety of products, including plates, cups and fast-food containers. Styrofoam is difficult to recycle; many environmental groups discourage its use. A more intimate concern are the health foods that have been heated or cooked in the microwave on Styrofoam plates. risks associated with consuming.


             Heating food in a microwave oven on Styrofoam plates can cause the material to melt and break down, releasing chemical gases that contaminate the food. Heating foods with a high fat content accelerates this process. Even if the food is arranged on a paper napkin on top of a Styrofoam plate, chemicals can still migrate from the packaging to the food, as direct contact is not necessary. Using a low temperature to prevent the material from overheating risks bacterial growth and potential food poisoning, as certain levels of heat are required to kill bacteria.


  • Styrene is a component of Styrofoam. According to the United States Department of Labor's Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), exposure to styrene affects the central nervous system, causing fatigue, headaches, confusion, dizziness, difficulty concentrating and the sensation of intoxication. It is classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a potential human carcinogen. When food is heated or cooked on Styrofoam, the toxins from styrene may be released into the food.

  •               Benzene is another component of Styrofoam that can leak into food when it is heated. Consuming high levels of benzene can cause vomiting, dizziness, convulsions, drowsiness, irregular heartbeat, and in extreme cases, death. Benzene is a natural component of gasoline, cigarette smoke and crude oil. It is used to make dyes, detergents, pesticides, lubricants, rubbers, resins, plastic, nylon, synthetic fibers and drugs.

    Will you still use STYROFOAM 
    during your meal?

    Think twice or else...

  • Heating food in a microwave oven on Styrofoam plates can cause the material to melt and break down, releasing chemical gases that contaminate the food. Heating foods with a high fat content accelerates this process. Even if the food is arranged on a paper napkin on top of a Styrofoam plate, chemicals can still migrate from the packaging to the food, as direct contact is not necessary. Using a low temperature to prevent the material from overheating risks bacterial growth and potential food poisoning, as certain levels of heat are required to kill bacteria.

  • Styrene

  • Styrene is a component of Styrofoam. According to the United States Department of Labor's Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), exposure to styrene affects the central nervous system, causing fatigue, headaches, confusion, dizziness, difficulty concentrating and the sensation of intoxication. It is classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a potential human carcinogen. When food is heated or cooked on Styrofoam, the toxins from styrene may be released into the food.

  • Benzene

  • Benzene is another component of Styrofoam that can leak into food when it is heated. Consuming high levels of benzene can cause vomiting, dizziness, convulsions, drowsiness, irregular heartbeat, and in extreme cases, death. Benzene is a natural component of gasoline, cigarette smoke and crude oil. It is used to make dyes, detergents, pesticides, lubricants, rubbers, resins, plastic, nylon, synthetic fibers and drugs.

  • Farthest Place I've Been

    "No one else can speak the words on your lips. Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. 
    Today is where 
    your book begins. 
    The rest is still unwritten." 

    "It may be when we no longer know what to do, 
    we have come to our real work, 
    and that when we no longer know 
    which way to go, 
    we have begun 
    our real journey."

    Where will my journey begin to go to that farthest place?
    Do I know where is that place?
    Yes, I know where it is...
    It is just inside of me...
    It teaches me to go to the eternal way...
    It dictates me what will I do...
    It leads me to a path that I know...
    A path to eternal love...
    A path that for eternal friendship...

    ...and then where I realize
    that the farthest place in this world
    is just within my reach that I always ignore.
    It is in my heart that gives and extend love to anyone...

    "To love yourself 
    is a never-ending journey"  
                                                       - Oprah Winfrey

    Who is the most important person in my life?

           Who is the most important person in my life? Who is the person I most adore of? Who is the person that make me smile when I am in grief? Who is that man or woman that makes me carry the burden of the earth in my shoulder? Is that you?
               In reality that person can be you or them or maybe just simply saying "ME". It is just our ego that we continue on thinking that the most important person in our life is somebody  or someone else. Anyway, who makes your life? Who decide on your daily activities? Who controls you? Is it them? Your not a robot nor am I that has an antenna on the top of the head and someone is holding a remote control that commands us to do whatever he wants us to do. That's rude! If we're always gonna think of that, we're just only a puppet in this world we are living in, that if there's no string attached, we will not able to move.
           Almost all of us says that the most important person in our life is the one that you love and adore, but what if  there something happens wrong, you will feel that the world is tumbling down on you. That you want to join the worms underneath the ground because they will not leave you until the end of times. Once in my life, it happens, to me, that I merely quit, surrender and end up my life in a blink of an eye. Do I have to do that? Do I have to lose hope if someone that I treat the most will just breaks up and leave me all alone by myself? That's insane! It's just a matter of accepting it. Acceptance is the key.
                "Acceptance. It is the true thing everyone longs for. The one thing everyone craves. To walk in a room and to be greeted by everyone with hugs and smiles. And in that small passing moment, you truly know you're loved, needed, and accepted."

              We must accept life for what it actually is -- a challenge to our quality without which we should never know of what stuff we are made or grow to our full development with respect. We have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that we meet it with courage and with the best that we have to give. 
                    So, the most important person in my life is myself but with my own strength I can't win the battle that is still waiting. I need you and I need God to comfort me when I am in doubt or grief or in times of failure and for that let me say this to you, THANK YOU for staying with me.